Monday Escape: Ben and the Leaf

After a semi-spontaneous decision to make an additional batch of Christmas jam this morning, it seemed wise to go with a sure crowd-pleaser this Monday…

Ben and the Maple Leaf

Collie p0rn! (Also, it’s Ben’s birthday week. He’s going to be seven! Goodness…)

Ben and the Maple Leaf

Mid-December or no, there are always plenty of leaves scuttling around the neighborhood, and the red ones are difficult to resist. Must be my hometown’s proximity to Canada…

Ben and the Maple Leaf

Ben and the Maple Leaf

Poor Ben. He’s such a tolerant fellow! (A promise that he would later be rewarded with a game of collie football and a treat may or may not have been given prior to the leaf being placed on his noble collie head.)

Ben and the Maple Leaf

Good boy, Ben.


Yes, yes, now ’tis time for your reward.

Have a wonderful Monday!

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