Monday Escape: A cup of joe, and make it snappy!

Lester's Diner, Bryan Ohio. Photo copyright Jen Baker/Liberty Images. All rights reserved. Pinning is fine, but please don't steal my work!

While selecting photos for last week’s post about motels & hotels, I came across my photos of the great sign for Lester’s Diner in Bryan, Ohio. As you can see, it boasts quite a few of my favourite vintage sign features: whimsy (a coffee cup pouring an arrow? YES!); a big arrow; motion (that coffee really does appear to pour because of the alternating lights); and, of course, neon. What’s not to love? There’s a shot of the whole wonderful sign and the scoop on Lester’s after the jump.

Time For A Healthy Breakfast. Lester's Diner neon sign in Bryan, Ohio. Photo copyright Jen Baker/Liberty Images; all rights reserved.

I think the only improvement Lester’s could possibly make to the sign is have it pour actual coffee into my mug as I stagger in for my coffee. Anybody else?

Our visit to Lester’s was…well, mixed. The kitchen must have lost our order, because it took 45 minutes for it to arrive—we were actually just standing to pay for our coffee when I saw it coming out of the kitchen. Now, a huge group of bikers (as you can see!) had come in right after we had, but especially as we’d gotten our orders in quickly, we’d not expected to have to wait so long, and I’m one of those folks who can’t function without breakfast. It was disappointing, though I wasn’t angry. The food was good when it finally arrived, and I believe everyone is in a better mood when they have a full stomach!

I’m happy to report that Lester’s has been taken over by new owners, who’ve renamed it the Four Seasons diner (does that mean the diner plays plenty of Four Seasons music?), and it appears the service and the food have both improved tremendously. If you’re in Bryan, swing by!

Have a great Monday!

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